I studied architecture at Technical University Berlin and am registered as architect in Germany (chamber of Schleswig-Holstein, No. 5888).

My professional experience adds up to 20 years, beginning with internship/jobs during my studies, freelance work after graduation and work as an employed architect in a renowned german office.

Over the years, I have additionally acquired broad knowledge of information technology, including network administration (Unix / Windows), application-specific CAD programming (AutoLISP,GDL) and database design / office automation (Adabas D, OOoBasic). I possess in-depth knowledge of AutoCAD (r10-15, worked shortly as CAD-trainer), good knowledge of ArchiCAD (r9,11) and Rhino (r2-4) and have used numerous other software. This has enabled me to work on any kind of geometry with arbitrary complexity, producing documents ranging from conceptual visualization to detail drawings (but I still prefer to sketch out my ideas on paper).

My foreign language skills effectively comprise English and French (both reasonably fluent / B2, Japanese JL proficiency level 3 in 1997, but never used since).

Below is a list of the three offices that I have mainly worked for, with some work examples.

QBQ (1988-2004)

The office that I worked for during most of my studies.

S+P (1991-2006)

A small practice where I worked after my diploma.

K+K (2006-2009)

Work as employed architect.