front view

eyes of europe (1999)

Design for a mobile, modular internet-café / video-conferencing installation with membrane shelter.

In 1999, the eyes-of-europe group commissioned to Schraml+Partner the architectural implementation of their e-learning solution aiming at the harmonization of educational content across Europe.

← telnet café entrance view (rendered by b+F)


Initially, the demand was for the interior design of an internet-café that could easily be adapted to different locations and would convey a strong corporate identity.

We devised a modular structure with units for casual web access (com-desk, sort of a bar with integrated screens and keyboards), concentrated use with privacy-protection (com-cap, resembling a cocoon), as well as a space to link two audiences via video-conferencing (chat-dome, an inflatable bubble).

However, an autonomous, transportable structure that could rapidly be deployed also in exterior spaces would provide a much stronger vehicle for promoting the concept. We therefore conceived an inflatable shelter (com-dome), that fitted together with a choice of modules inside two 12m-containers, which could be transported by truck and mounted on site within a couple of hours.

← mounting sequence

deployed on site

The first design (by Schraml+Partner) would have required a mobile crane to lift the containers off their transport vehicles, a revised scheme (under my responsibility) eliminated this need by placing the structure onto unfolding legs and tried to tackle some of the problems related to storing and mounting the membrane hull.

← the unit ready for use (rendered by b+F)

 revised scheme 


alternate configuration

The modular approach allowed for a number of alternate configurations, e.g. a smaller unit with just two "chat-domes".

← a "doubledome" unit on site